Saturday, January 16, 2010

100116 Saturday Team WOD

Matt, Britt, Patrick, and Holden at the box jumps and deadlift stations.

At each of 9 stations complete 30 seconds of work while your partner rests for 30 seconds; trade places.
Repeat. Both partners rest for 30 seconds while moving to next station.

The stations are:
Burpees, sit ups, box jumps, deadlifts, kettlebell swings, push ups, wall balls, walking lunges, jump rope.
At each station, each person does a total of 1 minute of work.

Mike does 30 seconds of burpees, Scott rests.  Scott does 30 seconds of burpees, Mike rests.
Mike does 30 seconds of burpees, Scott rests.  Scott does 30 seconds of burpees, Mike rests.
Mike and Scott have 30 seconds to prepare for sit ups.  Mike does 30 seconds of sit ups....etc.

Record total number of reps for all

Scott, creator of today's workout, coaching the Saturday group WOD.

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