Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday 100130 Tabata Something

8 sets of Tabata Pull Ups, Squats, Push Ups
Record total number of reps for all exercises.

We are in the process of organizing kids CrossFit classes in addition to expanding our teen classes at CrossFit Malibu!  Developing broad general fitness across the ten domains isn't just for adults... and gaining physical preparedness for the unknown and the unknowable in a motivating, fun and safe atmosphere provides the perfect setting for kids to gain confidence, interact in a healthy social setting with their peers, create a balanced relationship between movement, nutrition, and growth and to be challenged to set and reach goals.

1 comment:

  1. Great work by everyone at 10am today! Tabata's are really tough, but the "crew" hammered through the 3 modalities.
