Monday, August 16, 2010

Tuesday 100816 WOD

5 Rounds for time of:
21 Double unders (4:1 sub for singles)
15 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1.0 pood
9 Strict Pull ups
Post times to journals/chalkboard.

Jack's first encounter.

(roll sound: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH".)  No, not the sound of someone making cute noises looking at a 3 week old baby for the first time... but the sound the universe creates when one finds the other half of the medallion.

With a 66kg barbell loaded up in front of him and his dad behind him wearing a Waxman's Gym shirt ... can't we all predict how this one ends?

Defend the Squat, Jack.  It is your destiny.


  1. His midichlorians are off the charts!!!

    Very sad to miss this workout.

  2. Had a great time swing every one these two days. I'll be back again soon for a work out hopefully.
