Monday, January 3, 2011

Tuesday 110104 12 min AMRAP

12 minute AMRAP
90/70kg front squat, 5 reps (75% 1 RM)
10 chest to bar pull ups
20 doubleunders (4:1 for singles)

Post number of rounds and scaling to chalkboard/journals.

A morning of Olympic weightlifting with CFSavannah then in to CrossFit Ragnarök in Jax Beach FLA- for a tough hero WOD, Badger.  CFR is owned and run by Joshua and Jason- recon Marines, yes they are twins. Then out for bBq- 2 meats and 2 sides.


  1. Great having you all here in jax! I love what you guys are doing totally just living it rogue across the USA! CrossFit Ragnarok was honored to have you guys! Way to beast it out tonight!

  2. Wow! I'm really happy for you guys. Great journey and I'm sure tons of great memories.
    Good luck on Badger. :)
