Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Continuing with the Teen Appreciation posts... Alex C got up on a 50.5" running box last week, which might also be the gym record.  Alex is an accomplished ski racer earning a top notch nationally last year, placing well in the international rankings and he earned a spot in the junior olympics.  Downhill, slalom, giant slalom are some of his events.  CrossFit will keep him moving up in his box jump... but more importantly, keep him getting more fit and powerful for skiing AND life itself.  AND perhaps a shot at the current running box jump world record of 68.5"
Alex, steady on top, in final position last Friday.
Thursday’s WOD: 6 and 9am and again at 4 and 6pm.  Fundamentals at 8am
2-2-2-2-2 volume set at 85-90% of 1RM
-then a little finisher-
5 rounds for time of:
5 Parallette shoot throughs
5 Lateral double jump parallette burpees
Post total amount of weight thrustered across the 5 working sets.

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