Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday 121126 AMRAP and X Rounds for Time

Welcome back from a long weekend... and welcome to the Holiday time of year.  At this time, we want to invite you to the CrossFit Malibu Holiday Gathering held on Friday December 14th from 6-9pm at the Hut.  This goes out to all of our CFM athletes, family members and kids too.  We will have some food and drinks for everyone- more information as we get a bit closer.  We hope you can come out and celebrate with us.

And now for some overview on the WOD situation:  Over the next 10 days, we will be providing many opportunities to set PRs in the strength domain.  We open this period with today's light met-con WOD to ramp up from the long weekend and to warm up into the work to come.  Get mentally prepared and psyched to demonstrate your strength gains in the coming days.
Manny goes inverted on the ring rows last week.
Monday WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and again at 4 and 5pm.  Strength class at 6pm 
I.  As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of:
5 Burpee bumper plate ground-to-overheads (20/15kg)
10 Kettlebell swings (24/20kg)
100m run (one trip around the Hut)
Track number of Rounds and reps (X)
-rest exactly 3 minutes, then-
II.  X rounds for time of the same triplet.
Post results from I. and II. and scaling to journals/chalkboards.

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