When was the last time you signed up to do something new? Regardless of whether it was something you have always wanted to do but have been putting off... or something spontaneous that just popped into your brain this morning. Yet, mainly I am talking about something that involves entering a new group of people and engaging your body/mind/brain in a different way. It could be something educational, physical, recreational, technical, spiritual, work-related etc. Something that you make an appointment for, something you commit to and perhaps even have to put a deposit down on. Let me name of a few things I have heard around the gym in recent weeks- things that those among us have joined, signed up for or started:
- CrossFit Level 1 certification
- Motorcycle training and driver's license class
- Writers' Workshop/Club
- Cooking classes/seminar
- Yoga teacher training
- Continuing education in a work-related field
- Ondrej's strength class
- Surfing lessons
Here is a simple challenge. Not like "Ondrej's Challege" or a Paleo Challenge. Not even like a New Year's Resolution- but just a gentle nudge to get out there and try something new. If you'd like to take the challenge, repeat after me:
"By the end of 2012, I will sign up for something new. I might need to think about it for a few days OR I might know exactly what it is. I may need to save a little bit of money or I could ask for it for a Christmas present- but regardless, by the end of 2012 I will have contemplated and come up with that THING. Then, by the end of January 2013, I will have sugned up for it. It will be there on the calendar. I might be a little nervous about it- I might be really excited and have a hard time waiting for the day to come... but regardless, I will be signed up and ready to go." Okay... you have committed to the challenge. Look forward to hearing about what turns up. And believe me- I will be back to ask you.
Odin, Renaissance man: clarinet player, farmer, athlete |
Thursday's WOD: classes at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm. Foundations at 8am.
Gymnastics work
Handstand push up and Ring dips- 20 minutes
For time:
30 Db Snatch, 60#
20 Burpees
10 Toes to bar
rest 4 minutes, then:
8 minute AMRAP of:
5 Burpees
6 Toes to bar
7 DB Snatch
Post time then number of rounds to chalkboard/journals.
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