Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday 130128 4x5 minute blocks

For those of you who don't know our Mystery Lifter, here is a clue: in the picture below she is front squatting (as part of a barbell complex) head-to-head with Ken... who also happens to be her physics professor at Pepperdine University.  I imagine that most physics students have never seen their professor front squatting- especially in a 5x5 set barbell complex.

Who is that lifter?  Mystery Lifter Part IX
Monday's WOD: 7, 9, 10am and again at 4 and 5pm.  6pm Strength, 7pm OnRamp.
Weighted Deadhang Pullups, 5 reps
15 Minutes to set a 5 rep max
With a running clock complete each interval for time, then rest then remainder of the 5 minute block:
At 0:00- For time, Run 400m, then 70/45kg push press, 10 reps (taken from ground, roughly 70% 1RM)
Record finish time of interval- rest until the 5 minute mark.
At 5:00- For time, 25 Lateral jump over barbell burpees, then 70/45kg push press, 10 reps 
Record finish time of interval- rest until the 5 minute mark.
At 10:00- For time, Run 400m, then 70/45kg push press, 10 reps 
Record finish time of interval- rest until the 5 minute mark.
At 15:00- For time, 25 Lateral jump over barbell burpees, then 70/45kg push press, 10 reps 
Record finish time of interval- rest until the 5 minute mark.
Add up 4 time intervals of work- post to chalkboard/journals.