April is Mobility Month at CrossFit Malibu. The training that we do is primarily intended to make us healthier, fitter and generally more prepared to work, play and BE- Not to make us win or lose at the CrossFit Games (we all would lose- believe me). Not to make us more competitive for weightlifting meets or figure competitions... but more efficient, effective and ABLE. This could mean anything from being better at surfing, more agile on skis, more mobile with a golf swing or pain free while playing the violin (and all of these activities and MANY MORE are reasons why people are active at CFM).
So now that there is a light at the end of the tunnel of Open Competition... we move on to a more PRACTICAL aspect, a more fundamental arena, a downright foundational pillar of movement. This is actually NOT strength or cardio capacity- but mobility. Each class session in the month of April (and every month thereafter?!) will dedicate AT LEAST 10 minutes to flexibility/movement capacity/mobility. Starting today. Most often this will happen after the warm up and before the WOD... as movement prep. This can also happen again post-WOD. So those of you used to hitting the road at X:53, get used to sticking around!
Finally... set this site to your favorites: MobilityWOD. We have posted frequent links, mentioned it many times in class over the past 3.5 years and use LOTS of great stuff from Kelly. Go here, find things you need, and practice them. IT works. Ollie and Mike have been to the seminars and Ondrej is a constant student of the videos... ask questions. Also- go to the site directly and get some education too! Let's all help make stretching sexy!
Congrats on the One year anniversary in March! |
April Strength Focus= SQUATS. Monday- Max Effort, Wednesday Dynamic Effort. Be there at 6pm.
Monday's WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and again at 4 and 5pm. Strength class at 6pm
General warm up and movement prep
*Mobility- 10 minutes*
EMOM for 10 Minutes, same weight across all 10 sets:
3 Thrusters (55/40kg)
2 Weighted chest to bar pull up (fast!)
-then- at the top of the next minute:
Max Rep KB swing in 2 minutes
-rest one minute-
Max Rep Double unders in 90 seconds
-rest one minute-
Max Rep hand release push ups in 60 seconds
Post weight of thruster/pull up and total number of reps of max effort work
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