Monday, March 11, 2013

Tuesday 130312 Sled RDL and a 3 Rounder

With the close of week 1, WOD we look forward to WOD 13.2.  Monday of this week had some power cleaning, pressing and wall ball shots- all movements that have about a 99.9% chance of showing up in at least ONE Open WOD.  Of the movements today- it is likely that box jumps will come up at some point.  Keeping in mind that the programming is meant to prep and prime for good performance on Thursday- not as a test or a competition for each given day... Yes, out of the ordinary from our typical training intention.  Attention and awareness of this cycle will help to provide you with a readiness for 13.2 and subsequent Open WODs... and keep you from soreness and overdoing it at the wrong time within the 5 week time frame.  These reminders will be continuous on this blog through the Open.
David B powers through some push ups

Tuesday's WOD: 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm.  Fundamentals class at 8am.  NO kids class today
4 sets of sled push; 2x15m (out 15m, back 15m)
Increase sled weight each set
Rest as needed, do 2-3 sets for warm up.
8-8-8 Romanian deadlift- moderate weight across all 3 sets
Rest as needed, do 2-3 sets to warm up to working weight
For time, complete:
400m run OR 500m row
3 rounds of:
6x15m shuttle run (touch line each turn)
8 DB clean and press (40/25#)- touch to ground each rep, no dropping of course
12 box jumps (24/20")
400m run OR 500m row
Post only WOD time to chalkboard/journal.

WOD Notes:
Sleds and RDLs today are really for opening up and getting blood flow... rather than for max effort.  You want to push it at about 85-90%.  
Use a quick first step on each shuttle run.  Touch the line, turn and move FAST off the line.  Ease up 2-3 steps before your turn and touch.
Open up with full hip extension in the box jump... don't bother to spring off today.  If a rest is necessary, make sure you rest on TOP of the box.
Use the legs on the press, a little bounce and go up overhead. Do NOT put the DB down within those 8 reps for each set.  The "rest" should be at the front rack position.  Touch DB to the ground-and right back into a power clean.  Dip and drive overhead- and then rest at front rack for a breath.

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