What? You've NEVER been to a Saturday Team WOD? If NOT, you are missing integral pieces of "preparation" for the unknown and unknowable. And those pieces are strategery and team work. Typically there is an interesting twist to the Saturday WODs, a possibility for engaging your inner clever fox (perhaps one of your animal totems) or simply strategizing your way to victory. Usually there is a good deal of brawn involved, but more often than not- a team or partners work together to allow for a well thought plan to assist in completing the demands of the task at hand. Summary- attend Saturday Team WODs at 10am.
Last Saturday's TEAM WOD in action. |
Tuesday's WOD: class times at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm. Kids class at 3:15pm.
Skill- Split Jerk, foot work
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push ups
15 DB Ground to overhead, 40/25#
20 Abmat sit ups
Post scaling and number of rounds to journals/chalkboards
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