Love it or hate it... chances are there is a bit of each. It is FRAN! A benchmark Girl WOD that seems to be the one everyone knows. What is YOUR Fran time? Let's keep the finish times under 12 minutes... check to see your last Fran time/scaling and see if you can beat it. If you have scaled the weight in the past but have done it in less than 6-8 minutes... bump up the weight. IF your pull ups are a lot better... scale up and take a little longer.
Pull up induced possesion. |
Monday's WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and 5pm. Strength class at 6pm and OnRamp at 7pm.
21-15-9 reps/round for time of:
Thrusters 45/30kg
Pull ups
Post scaling and times to chalkboards/journals.
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