Congrats everyone, the 2013 CrossFit Open is in the past! Our team did great! Thanks Ollie for keeping everything running smoothly on Thursdays all day and on Saturday mornings. Even though it stresses most of us out a little bit and does inconvenience our "regular" training a bit-- overall the Open is a GOOD activity for us to be involved in each year. We all get the opportunity to engage in one of the world's largest participatory sports, we get the chance to feel some of the pressures of competition and we get together as a big group to work hard and cheer each other on. We can now move back to our training phase, get ready for a week of events at the Hut, and move into spectator mode as far as the Games are concerned... Here are a few items coming this week:
Reminder that April is Mobility month: Take advantage of this time taken during your training session. Coaches will lead... use the time to your benefit.
Ondrej Challenge this month: Max rep Thrusters in 1 minute (20/15kg) This will come up for you a few times during the week in April!
Yoga Twice this week: Wednesday midday at 11:15am and Saturday morning at 8:30am
WLC Post-test WOD on Thursday: Try and come early to get your measurements taken before class. Look up your Pre-Test WOD and come ready to beat your score!
A Big Saturday morning coming on the 13th:
7am trail run at Bluffs Park
830am yoga class... Saturday yoga is BACK!
WLC potluck and BBQ to follow- What worked for you during the challenge?
Share it with the group!
Don't panic Cole... that rep counts! |
Monday WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and again at 4 and 5pm. Strength at 6pm.
General Warm up and DROM
Sled Push Warm up
Hip Flexor/Quad Mobility work- couch stretch
12 minutes of time for Max Effort Fun- rest as needed between each:
Max Rep Tire Flips in 1 minute (only 1 attempt)
Max Rep unbroken Double unders (as many attempts as desired in 5 minutes)
Max Duration Ring L Sit (2 attempts)
2 Rounds of 400m sprint- rest twice the duration of first effort
500m row for time
Finish with very easy cool down run of 400-800m
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