Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday 091005

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads and body weight to comments.

Good timing that CrossFit Malibu just constructed a new pull-up bar station!  We are ready to see how much weight you can pull.

Pull ups are a functional way to build upper body strength and developing the kipping pull up also necessitates the development of mid-line stability.

Warm up, do some dead hang and kipping pull-ups, then start in with adding weight.  You can do weighted pull-ups in a number of ways: use a weight vest, clasp a dumbbell between your feet/ankles, put weights in a backpack, or attach weights to a belt or climbing harness.  The goal is to increase the weight until you determine your 1 repetition maximum.

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