Monday, October 5, 2009

Tuesday 091006 WOD

Five rounds for time of:
62 kg Deadlift, 15 reps
62 kg Hang power clean, 12 reps
62 kg Front Squat, 9 reps
62 kg Push Jerk, 6 reps

Scale as needed:  44kg, 30kg, 20kg, etc,

CrossFit Malibu celebrates the 4th week of classes today!  Since that kickoff workout there are two On Ramp courses running, people have completed the 3 session Elements course, new members are attending more classes as they are offered, and many others continue to come in for free orientation/baseline workouts.  The gym looks great with the brand new pull up structure in place... and when you walk inside the Hut- you just feel like working hard!  Come join us.


  1. Solid work in the 6am class today! Kendra and Max heated up the gym quickly this morning. Way to pave the way for the others today.

    Kendra- 14:26 (20kg)
    Max- 21:20 (Rx)

  2. Malibu Downtown Satellite

    Heath - 20:50 (Rx)
    Mike Lew - 21:30 (62-52-42-42-42)
    Craig - 22:10 (62-52-42-42-42)

  3. Great job Max. I heard you killed it this morning.

  4. Great work Loyola Crew!... When are you going to come out to the HQ and do a workout? Hopefully soon.

  5. Mother of pearl! that was a hard workout.

    Mike 50kg 20:18 (if my memory is correct)
    Scott 50kg 23:18

    Great job Malibu Downtown.
