Monday, November 2, 2009

Tuesday 091103 WOD

Pull Up Ladder
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed. (Dropping from the bar and resting is fine)
(this WOD is also known as "Death by Pull-Ups"!)
Post number of minutes completed to comments.

Here is Julio working his pull-up range of motion on the rings on Day 1 of the On Ramp Program.  These assisted ring/squat pull-ups prepare the muscles and connective tissue of the shoulder joint for more intense, upper body weight bearing activities like ring dips, pull-ups, and more advanced gymnastics moves like muscle ups and handstand push ups.

With a WOD like this, use assisted pull ups to get through as many rounds as possible.  If you already have a handful of dead hang pull ups, begin with those- and if you go "out" early on (in the first 5-6 rounds) then continue on with assisted band pull ups.


  1. Loyola Downtown Satellite
    Lew-9 (+7)

  2. Heath 13
    Wood 9
    Lew 9 (+7)
    Craig 6
    Levi 6

  3. Matthias! awesome job, you are getting stronger!

    Craig, I asked Jesus if he could do a muscle up. He said he would contact you directly.

    Scott 17 (+13)
