Saturday, January 9, 2010

100110 Saturday Group WOD

1-1-1-1 Weighted Pull Ups

Team AMRAP chipper- 12 minutes
Row 200m
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Box Jumps
Kettlebell Swings

After over twelve hundred repetitions, one team goes home with the win- triumphing by just NINE reps!   Both teams head home with a great workout... and looking forward to some DOMS on Sunday morning.  Great work teams!

On the brute strength portion of today's workout Robert and Jeff got their first deadhang pull ups (CONGRATULATIONS!)...and Robert even pulled one off with 3kg of weight in his pockets!   Many people in the class dropped down to smaller bands...EXCELLENT WORK- keep decreasing the assistance.  While Holden, Steph, and Damon hit 1 rep max weighted pull ups with 30 lbs. Solid.

Remember your homework:
By January 15th, everyone will write down (on the space provided on the chalkboard) 2 goals to accomplish by March 15.  Think about it, talk to members in your  classes, ask me for help... but make 2 GOALS!
1- CrossFit related goal (Complete 'Helen' as Rx, or deadlift 100kg, or do 30 pull ups with 2" band)
2- outside of CF goal (run a 5k race in 28 minutes, surf 2 days/week, do a 5 mile hike each Sunday)

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