Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday 100322 Helen

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Compare to previous times 100302 and 091117.

Go Katie. Way to get up that rope!


  1. This will be my first time with Helen I believe I'm looking forward to it

  2. Kettlebell Swings into Pull-Ups = JELL-O arms on the run

    9:54 with 1 1/4 pooder

  3. 9:27 with 1 1/4" bands and 1.25 pood. Andrew made me want to get off the bands! It's tempting to launch out of them instead of just relying on the kip. P.S. How about that pull-up bar at 44 degrees? Good times.

  4. that was good stuff today 11:49

  5. Helen, one of my favorite ladies. Great workout Mike!
