Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How is your Zone Going?

 We are now on the edge of the 3rd week for our Zone Challenge.  How is it going?  After an initial 2 weeks of strict weighing and measuring you might have relaxed into a more "80% rule" type of program.  Meaning- eat in the Zone for almost all of your meals and then when you eat in a restaurant, when want to indulge, or you find yourself eating at a friend's house on PIZZA NIGHT, then go ahead and do it!  Keep in mind, I am not calling these "cheat days"- I don't particularly like the term.  But I am saying that eating in the Zone 80% of your meals is likely still a huge change from eating patterns in the past. 

If you are still filling out worksheets to keep yourself on track- great, if you need more there are extras on the Zone Bulletin Board.  If you are not, then I am sure it is because you have internalized the zone block counting process.  Regardless, we are still open and available for questions, support, and assistance for everyone.  If you didn't begin the challenge a few weeks back and would like to start now- just ask.  We have all the resources for you.

Remember, you are only one meal away from the Zone... like this 4 block lunch!


  1. Went two weeks straight strict Zone weighing and measuring everything. Took a weekend off when I went out of town and now I am back on it. While I do not fill out the worksheets any more I still know how many blocks I have eaten during the day what times I am going to eat during the day, and most of the time what I am going to have. Putting meals together has become a breeze and usually I am not hungry at all during the day anymore. I do plan a day every week. ( It is a going to be different each week depending on my schedule) on which I purposfully choose non-zone friendly foods and eat a gratutious amount of them. ( Think, Pasta, alcohol, Ice Cream, sodas and candy) While I don't usually crave these foods during the week when I am on strict zone I find that when I do eat them I enjoy them a lot. I usually try and make it so that a "cheat day" or whatever you want to call it falls on a rest day, so hopefully I minimize the effects on my WODs during the week. With all that being said, I find that the one rule I break most often, is caffiene. I went the whole two weeks with out a milligram, however now that th two weeks is over I have a couple times had a Diet Pepsi( so throw in the artificial sweeteners as well to the rule breaking). However right now it does not seem to affect my WOD's one way or another, and I am still droping weight and working out hard, so while I will continue to have a cup of coffee every once in a while or a diet pepsi, it will be far less than I have had before. All in All the zone is working great Most of the time it is not a problem eating out or in or with people I usually find a way to stay in the zone. When I am in doubt I tend to follow Pat Sherwood's example ( Zone Chrinicles from the Journal) and load up lean protien at a restraunt while avoiding all the carbs I can. I hope every one's experience with the Zone has gone as well as mine has. Ill be back down soon to get another WOD in at the Hut. I just can't seem to stay away.

  2. I've been on a 90%-100% Zone diet since we started. I no longer fit in any of my jeans and have to bring my belt to the last hole...I've gone from a 31 inch waste to 29. My friends comment on the lean muscle on my body...the difference is drastic.

    I feel great. Look great and have lots of energy all of the time.

    I'm sold!
