Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wednesday 100602 Thrusters/Double Unders

***Zone Challenge Intro Meetings will meet at CrossFit Malibu, not at Pepperdine University!***  6:30pm on Wednesday and Thursday... call or email if you have any questions.  We still have space open... RSVP if you are interested in taking the Challenge.  Try it for 2 weeks, if you don't try, you won't know!

Five rounds for time of:
34 kg Thrusters, 21 reps
21 Double-unders
Post time to comments.


  1. Mike and I have been doing semi-strict zone for week as we ramp up for the challenge. I don't normally weigh myself but happened to this morning. I was surprised to see that I had lost 4 pounds. I am excited to see the change that will occur in our athletes during the two week trial. I think people will be surprised how much progress they can make in such a short time.

    I have found the Zone pretty easy to stick too. As long as I eat at the prescribed times, I have not been hungry.

  2. ive been playing around with the Zone as well up here in tulare, bot strict by any means, until yesterday that is, I was "hungry" a lot yesterday and couldnt figure out why since I had eaten three 4 block meals and a 2 block snack already. Thinking about it, I decided that it was one of two things, the fact that i hadnt had my 4 cups of coffee, or jsut my body craving a more drastic insulin respones which I had not given it that day. Looking forward to seeing you gusy tomorrow when I am down there.

  3. 22.5kg @ 21 reps
    80 single jumps
    Time: 14:29

    PS: I'm fuckin' hungry!
