Thursday, August 19, 2010

Friday 100820 Run and Squat

4 rounds for time of:
400m run
50 squats

Post times to journals/chalkboard.

CrossFit Tulare-to-be on K Street... Big Mike will have it up and running in no time.  IF you are ever headed up the 99 Freeway to the Sequoias or to Yosemite- drop in to workout with Big Mike


  1. 25kg Overhead Squat (From Snatch)
    12 Push-ups (ground)
    200 meter run

    AMRAP 16mins

    7 Rounds Even

  2. Field trip for a Sunday/Saturday WOD, imo...

  3. Hey crossfit malibu!!!! It's Tyler saying hello from San Francisco, I miss you all terribly. Things are moving along up here, and I've been training hard with kelly and the gang at crossfit San Francisco. There are some serious monsters up here so I am trying to do my best and be compete solely with myself or else I tend to do poorly. I hope everyone is progressing along and I cant wait to come back and see you all again, not sure when that will be but I am hoping not too long. Congrats to kendra and scott on your beautiful new addition to your lovely family. -all my love to you all,
