Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wednesday 100825 Wall Balls/Sit Ups

Five rounds for time of:
30 Wall-ball shots
25 Sit Ups
Post time to journals/chalkboard.

While Curt the Hunter stalks big game on the continent of Africa... his wife Leanne, strengthens her overhead squat.  Who knows what size animal Curt may drag out of the bush?  She will potentially use a clean to get the meat from the ground to the table... she may later have to put the leftovers up in a tree or cave to protect it from other beasts of the field.  Either way- suffice it to say that because Curt and Leanne are CrossFit... they can provide for themselves and their clan.  They are also more useful than other modern-day humans; and generally more difficult to kill.


  1. 13:08, 20kg. Big week for the legs and shoulders. I haven't been this sore in months. I'm getting dangerously close to becoming more fit. Somebody stop the madness.
