Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wednesday 110629 Bench/Squat

Hi Mike!
I just got to visit Cross Fit London and thought I would send this foto along.
I got there half hour early – just enough time for Brian, the owner, to attempt to perfect my snatch after these Turkish things (Turkish Get-Ups) we did with a kettle bell on the floor. "Good, good, good, but not PERFECT!". He said maybe I'll get on my 1000th try:) The guys were really super nice (not British in the least!). It was a really nice, big space tucked into a back alley. You practically need a gps to find it… They ran out of t-shirts but after the workout he thought I deserved one and he gave me the one off his back (I told him I wouldn't tell his wife).
Can't wait to get back to the hut.
Wednesday's WOD-- Remember Strength Night Final, 6PM- Deadlift 1RM
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
50/30 pound Dumbbell bench press, 10 reps
100/80kg Back squat, 5 reps (70% 1RM)
Post number of rounds and scaling to journals/chalkboards.

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