Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friday 110701 AMRAP 14 Minutes

Hi again Mike,
Here is the pile of lumber the Eric and I moved from the street to the worksite. Eric thought I would not be able to help but I carried my own. CrossFit really works.
We also took a long bike ride yesterday and I really felt the difference there. Maybe Half Dome would be ok without much special training.  Hi to all CrossFitters. Keep up the good work.
Laurie (from Ft Bragg, NorCal)
Laurie moving lumber... WE knew you could do it, Laurie!
Friday's WOD-- Morning classes are lucky to have Scott coaching, afternoons get to have Jessica!
As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes of:

60/45kg squat cleans, 5 reps
10 box jumps, 24"
15 Double unders
Post number of rounds and scaling to journals/chalkboards.

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