Sunday, July 10, 2011

Monday 110711 Quick 5 Rounder

Here we see congratulations between Tracy, Queen Kendra and Just Kristin after completing Kendra's 40th Birthday WOD this past Saturday at the CFM Summer Fest.  The WOD included a "Filthy Forty"-ish set of 10 movements- everything from full cleans to box jumps- and started/ended with a mile run... of which Kendra ran roughly 6:30 and 7:20!  What you can't see in this picture are the other CrossFit Malibu friends who jumped in to escort Kendra with each activity; Big Mike pacing through deadlifts, Tom through box jumps, Deana with air squats, Hannah on the miles (*who else could keep up?!), etc.  Nils helped with the final set of beer drinking... I think Damon was sketchin' around by that point as well. 

So... thanks all for supporting CFM at this fun event :)  A Bday Kendra will remember via delayed onset muscle soreness for at least a little while!  When should we schedule the next Summer Event?

***Reminder: Monday night strength tonight at 6pm- CLEANS***
Monday's WOD
Five rounds for time of:
15 Medicine ball cleans, 20 pound ball
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Post times to journals/chalkboards.

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