Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monday 110808 Sectionals WOD 5

August Newsletter went out over the weekend... send an email if you didn't get one in your inbox.  Lots of info on upcoming events, dates, schedules and news about new and current members.
Finn gets a little extra work done around the Hut on Sunday.
Monday's WOD- Open Sectionals WOD 5 Revisited
Complete as many rounds and reps in 20 minutes of:
65/45kg Power clean, 5 reps
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Post number of rounds and reps with scaling to journals/chalkboard.
Compare to 110417-24: at some time during that week


  1. Mike --- Can we update my score from April so I move up from second to last place in the region? I recall you could do the workout as many times as you wanted. I didn't cry as much on the TTB. But I was my own judge.

  2. Lee, solid improvement on this WOD! I tried for hours to update your score but it wouldnt let me do it! I will talk to Glassman about this glaring flaw in the open games system!
