Sunday, August 14, 2011

Monday 110815 Jackie and 800m run

It's midway through August and our goal of filling in as much of the metrics/1RM chart is almost upon us.  We have a few WODs and other "extra" activities scheduled throughout the week to fill in more squares on the chart.  Those of you who have not yet traced back through the journal to write those scores up on the board- please take a few minutes to do that this week.  Also, break out the 4 Level Athleticism page from the back of your journal and see which benchmarks you can test out as well.  Today we end the hour with an 800m sprint.  It goes on the board AND on your individual metrics page.

For the remainder of August, M/W 6pm Strength Class is going to look a bit different.  We will be training with some back to basics tools out in the yard rather than the classic Westside Barbell approach we have been on for the past few months.  The next few weeks we lift odd shaped objects, pull and drag things across pavement and dirt; throw, carry, chop, and strike stuff.  Come get stronger.  These classes are FUN.

Monday's WOD...  and 6pm Strength Class.

1000 meter row
20kg Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups
5 minute rest
800m run for time
Post times and scaling to journals, chalkboard, AND Athleticism Metrics Chart!

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