Regularly learn and play new sports. Matt, Tracy, Mike, Kendra, Scott and over a hundred other CrossFitters from around SoCal met up in Newport Harbor last Saturday to compete in the WOD SUP- a CrossFit Sports Series event that combined Stand Up Paddling with CrossFit. The competition included 10 people per heat in the following WOD: Row 2,000m on a C2 rower, 50 kettlebell swings, 400m run, 800m SUP, and finished with 25 burpees in 1' of water. An event that took about 20 minutes- challenging in many ways- one that forced many non-paddlers to quickly integrate and develop new skills of balance, coordination and agility on the stand-up board.
This takes accuracy, coordination and intense concentration! |
Tuesday's WOD: class times at 6,9am and 4,6pm Yoga at 7am New OnRamp begins 5pm
Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post scaling and time per round to journals/chalkboards
Compare to: 101207, 100526, 100128, 091228
Love this photo!!