Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday 111222 Squat Clean and KB Swings

What do you think we can do with these axels? Do you have anything sitting around in your garage or storage space that you'd like to get rid of that can be donated to "CrossFit Sanford and Son?"  Do you anything heavy that we can use for underground strength?  An old tire, blocks of wood, old dumbbells or weights?  Look around... your trash can become OUR next WOD!
How heavy is one of these?  Submit your guess!
Thursday's WOD: classes at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm.
Five rounds for time of:
70kg Squat clean, 7 reps
14 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Post times to journals/chalkboards.


  1. just wanted to show that i read these things:
    i am guessing 40 kg for the axel or is it axle??!
    merry christmas

  2. You WIN Dr Deb! But not because you are anywhere ever near the total weight of this steel AXLE... but because you are the only candidate who ventured a guess. Collect your prize on your next trip to the Hut!

    And I have some input on the situation you talked about this morning at coffee.

