Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thursday 120105 Heavy Things

Pick it up, pull it, squat it.  Yes, it is a heavy day today... and that is all there is to it.  Think, CrossFit Total with 3 different movements.  But first things first- when you arrive at the Hut.. get out your journal or look at the PR board and determine what your current PRs are on each lift.  This is imperative.  You don't know where you are headed unless you have an idea of where you have been.  After some rowing and about 10 minutes of dynamic movement- we will break out the barbells for Basic Barbell Warm Up... From here think about doing 4-5 cleans at a light weight before adding some more.  Then gradually decrease the reps as the weight goes up. We will spend a maximum of 15 minutes on each of these lifts working up to a one rep max.   15 minutes is not a lot of time... but you still need to make sure you get sufficient rest, especially when the weight starts approaching 80-90% of your previous max.
David and Debbie...  in sync!
Thursday's WOD: Heavy.  Classes at 6 and 9am, again at 4 and 6pm.  Kids class at 3:15pm.
For max load:
Clean, 1 rep
Pull Up, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep
Clean is from the ground, power or squat
Post loads to chalkboard/journals and to PR board!

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