Thursday, February 23, 2012

What a Start to the 2012 Open!... and Friday 120224 WOD

What an uplifting and enthusiastic day it was yesterday... from the 6am and 9am classes- through to the afternoon kids class and into the evening Big Group Extravaganza- lots of great scores... TONS of HEART and a lot of fun with great people.
Some of last night's competitors... our official team is now 29 strong!
We had just about as many spectators and cheerleaders in the morning as we did athletes... solid support for those groups.  Holden is currently 2nd in his age group and Laurie too in her age group (though she is secretly waiting to post last minute!)... and that is WORLD WIDE.  The kids class did the EXACT same WOD as YOU with the slight alternation in standards- they only had to touch with one hand (easier to judge)... and the 4 of them scored ABOVE 80 for each of them with the top score of 90 (and this is for 8, 9, and 10 year olds!)
Currently 6th Worldwide!
Successes all around... for all athletes- great to see such participation- included are the judges, gym assistants and the cheer group at the 6pm class.  CrossFit Malibu is now 6th world wide (though technically our points put us in 2nd place.)  The truth is, we will inevitably slide down the leaderboard as the week goes on... but ENJOY it while it lasts... When was the last time you were SECOND BEST in the WORLD at something?  ESPECIALLY something as demanding as this :)

Friday's WOD: 7, 9, 10am and again at 3 and 5pm.
To be revealed upon arrival to EACH class!


  1. So proud!!! Good job everyone and good job Coach!! A great day indeed!

  2. With the energy and passion from last year carried over to this year but twice as big, I have no doubt you guys will crush this! I am so proud of my CFM family!!!

  3. What an awesome evening. Epic effort by all.

  4. Go CFM! With you in spirit/interwebz!
