Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday 120417 Squat and More

You might have already noticed that the new t-shirts are In STOCK.  Thanks again to Sarah, who did an excellent job on the graphic design of these soon-to-become collectors items!  To help you with your CrossFit Malibu shopping needs- shirt sales have been streamlined to a self-service process.  Find the shirt you want, fill out the info on the form next to the T-shirt storage drawers, put the cash in the envelope ($25 each) and you are on your way.  Easy as that.  Thanks for representing CrossFit Malibu.  And yes, we WILL order more sweatshirts at some point.
The Hut, gluteal fold sold separately.
Peace, Love, and Power
Tuesday's WOD: class times at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm.
Front Squat 
Four rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
20 Jumping alternating lunges
40m shuttle sprint (8x5m)
80 Single unders
1 minute rest
Post f squat 3rm load and met-con time and scaling to journals/chalkboard.  Don't forget to post all PRs!

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