Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thursday 120503 Mini Murph

Peace Love and Power origined from the nickname given to the M/W/F 9am class... which was actually 'Peace Love and Flowers'.  With only one male in that particular training session, the moniker kind of worked... until it didn't.  And then the name was changed to Peace Love and Power... a more accurate reflection of what actually was going on the class- regardless of gender.  And now you can own your very own piece of CrossFit Malibu memorobilia with this handsome teal blue shirt.  They are selling fast... and in the next 5 minutes, we will likely move another hundred or so pieces.  This sure to be a collector's item can be your today, so act now.  Mother's Day is right around the corner, Nils and Lee!
Peace Love and Power, M/W/F at 9am.

Thursday's WOD: classes at 6 and 9am and again at 4 and 6pm.  Kids class at 3:15pm
3-3-3 Push press behind the neck
Mini Murph
For time complete:
400m run
33 pull ups
66 push ups
99 squats
400m run
Post times and loads to journals and chalkboards.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad I was the flower part.

    Now Allison and Sharla know what they are getting for Mothers day. Spoiling our surprise.
