Monday, June 4, 2012

Tuesday 120605 Medicine Ball Madness

Congrats to Dr Jo and Dr Deb for their 7th place finish in the Race LA urban adventure challenge!  A seventh place finish officially gets one a PURPLE ribbon here in the USA and these 2 ladies look awesome in purple- which is why they were actually striving for that coveted 7th place spot. (they also look GREAT in teal- official color of the Peace Love and Power t-shirts!  On sale NOW!)  As smart and as talented as they are, we all know they could have WON that competition if they REALLY wanted a BLUE ribbon.  These two CFM athletes are an example to all CFMalibuites to get out there and PLAY.  Jo has been doing/will do the Ragnar relay and numerous long distance trail events.  Deb completed and is slated to do a handful of triathlons AND is co-captain of the CrossFit Malibu Knitting Team (t-shirts soon to be flying off the shelves!)  In short- they are getting "Outside the Box" and putting their fitness to use and to the test.  Congrats girls ladies doctors sistahs LA Race adventurers!
On to a powerful PURPLE place finish!
Tuesday's WOD: class times at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm.  Kids class at 3:15pm
One minute wonders- Single under jump rope
Gymnastics Skills- inversions and handstand pushups
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 Wall ball shots 20/14#
15 Medicine ball slams, same ball
200m Medicine ball run, with same ball
Post number of rounds and weight of med ball to chalkboard.

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