Thursday, October 11, 2012

Friday 121012 "Jackie"

So here we go... a benchmark Girl WOD.  This is a great opportunity to test your progress by coming in at some point today and seeing HOW MUCH you have improved.  There are five "Compare to" dates listed below.  A few ways to go about it... Of course, go Rx if you have before and compare your results.  If you have gone Rx a number of times, why not go Rx+ by adding chest to bar or weighted pull ups and/or increasing the weight for the thrusters.  Weight vest anyone?  If you have always scaled it- you can scale it exactly the same as you did before- allowing you an 'apples-to-apples' comparison.  Or if you are ready to bump it up a little, then do so!
John V and George get some air during the 8am class
Friday WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and again at 3 and 5pm.  
For time complete:

1000m row
50 Thrusters (20/15kg)
30 Pull ups
Compare to: 
2011-- October 10, August 15, July 16,
2010-- March 5
2009-- October 24

Yoga on Saturday at 8:30, Team WOD at 10am.

Malibu Local Event News
Malibu's local swim team is running an event next Wednesday night, anyone interested?
A Lecture & discussion by Swim Fit LA's ( Nutritionist & Healthy Eating Coach, Jennifer Katz!
When:  Wednesday evening (exact time TBA), October 17th      
Where:  Malibu High (exact location TBA)     
Lecture Fee: $10 per person
***This is not a CrossFit Malibu event***
What the lecture will cover:
As we all know, proper nutrition for teens can greatly affect not only physical performance, but academic performance as well.  Athletes and students who desire to perform at levels of excellence can dramatically alter results by eating well and maintaining healthy patterns. We may think we know what "healthy" is, but most of us are mistaken; eating cereal and milk for breakfast, and snacking on baked potato chips with lunch.  Join us for an evening that will inform you, inspire you, and challenge you. 

RSVP to by Monday October 15th.

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