Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday 121213 Trisha, Julia, Ollie

Bon voyage to Dr Jo for a few weeks- she will be departing for Antarctica at the end of the week.  About 3 weeks on a ship serving as the medical director for a big group heading down to the south pole or thereabouts.  On the ship- she will, no doubt keep up her body weight WODs.  Lots of places on ships to jump up and do a few pull ups!  OF course, don't forget the kicks into handstands and walking lunges.

  • Unhosted Event Today!  It is the LOW LOW TIDE of the year at -1.8 and it hits the bottom at about 3:30pm.  This is one of the very few times you can use bipedal ambulation to navigate along the shore from Malibu Pier to Paradise Cove Pier and back!  It is 7 miles ONE WAY.  Some people are carpooling to Paradise Cove and running back. Others are riding their bikes along the beach (yes, the tide is THAT low).  How ever or when ever you choose to head out there- make it happen!  Go with a friend, take warm clothes, and when it gets dark- go home!

Thursday's WOD- classes at 6, 9am and again at 4 and 6pm.  Foundations class at 8am.
Two rounds, NOT for time (10 minute time limit):
10-15 Hollow rocks
10-15 GHD sit ups or scott ups
10-15 Knees to chest
10-15 Supermans
10-15 v-ups
20 second cobra hold
Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes of:
Back squat, 3 reps AHAP 
3-6 Toes to bar (depending on your ability- get them all quickly and unbroken)
Post load and scaling to chalkboard/journals.


  1. Kolby and I are carpooling out there at 2:15 to run one way if anyone wants to join or needs a lift!

  2. What are knees to chest for those working out in there own :-)

  3. Yay, EMOM!

    Natalie: knees-to-chest is when you hang from the pull-up bar and raise your knees to your chest. :)
