Darryl has accomplished a lot since starting a few months ago. He was referred to us by an MD in Malibu- Dr Jeff Harris (don't know how HE knows at CFM! We have to get HIM in here too!) Take a look at some of Darryl's bloodwork changes... AND one physical ability he has gained. Mobility! A happy side effect of working hard... using functional movements.
27th Thursday- 9am and 4pm class only
Primary changes! |
Secondary changes as a result of CrossFit. |
Front Squats
5-5-5-5-5 @ 80-85% 1RM
a finisher -
3 minute AMRAP:
3 Toes to bar
6 Parallette shoot throughs
9 abmat situps
Post loads and finisher time to journals/chalkboard.
Post loads and finisher time to journals/chalkboard.
Awesome job Darryl :)