Hey, nice PRs in the month of December. You plainly see that some HSPUs were done on the PR board... fresh tracks of sliding toes wiping through a few of Deana and Julia's accomplishments. Some GREAT improvements. Jason continued on his Vegan Cleanse PR spree- making gains in the strength and skill domains as well as serious losses in the body weight department. Right there alongside Jason was Rich-who had solid progress in a variety of movements. Jen O and Sarah W had quadruple PR sweeps of CrossFit Total- which is always fun. In the first-timers club: Darryl hit multiple deadhang pullups for the first time, Madison got her first kipping pull up (as well as her first standing ovation in an operatic performance), Haley got her first ever weighted pull ups, while Lisette got her first double under. Excellent job to end the year... to all you December PR makers AND all those of you with great attendance during our Holiday Week.
Now- the Monthly PR chalkboard has been raised, lifted, elevated. Physical moved up higher on the chalkboard... to accomodate MORE NAMES each month. Do it- PR- and record your accomplishments! There will be a NEW color whiteboard marker to use for 2013 for any new PRs set this year- to distiguish from your old red/green recording of past performances. Let's freshen those numbers up.
We see Fran PR Lee, way to sneak it in on Dec 31! |
Friday WOD- a PR attempt on a past WOD: classes at 7, 9, 10am and again at 3 and 5pm.
Warm up and train Turkish Get Ups- 15 minutes
Seven rounds for time of:
5 Strict Pull ups
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14#)
15 KB swings (24/18kg)
20 Double unders
Compare score AND scaling to Friday April 20th, 2012.
Post time and scaling as well as any PRs to chalkboards/journals.
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