Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thursday 130124 Fran Ladder

Come on out and celebrate Beer Can Appreciation Day and join us in the CFM Open In-house Competition Nite Part VIII.  First of all... Yes, it IS actually and officially BCAD- here's the evidence from my calendar:
An actual pic of the 2013 official WOD programming planner
So to participate in tonight's event- just show up for the WOD briefing at 5pm- just like always on CFM Open Nights.  But this time, bring a can of the best tasting beer you can find.  We will complete the Open with a beer tasting.  Yes, there is a way that your beer tasting ranking will factor into your competition results.  So bring something good.  We will move on to dinner at Coogies following the event!
Getting some air under the soles on the recent 21-15-9er.

Thursday's WOD: classes at 6 and 9am, again at 4pm.  Foundations class at 8am.  The 6pm class is preemtped by the 5-7:30pm CrossFit Malibu Open Part VII AND the event for Beer Can Appreciation Day.  Join us.
15 min snatch technique work
-then-Fran Ladder- In 6 minutes, as many total reps as possible of :
3 thrusters (45/30kg)
3 pull ups
6 thrusters ,6 pull ups
9,9... Continue this ladder for for 6 minutes
Post total number of repetitions and scaling to chalkboard/journalRest as needed
Row 1000m or run 800m for time
Post time to journals/chalkboard.


  1. Beer tasting factored into the WOD results? This is how I picture Crossfit in Heaven....

  2. Does this mean I need two beers, one for the judges and one for me. Best wod of the year. Seavey show up!

    And nils may win it all.

  3. Groupon for Coogie's:

    $25 for $50
