Something ELSE is also beginning in early March- and you can start signing up for it TODAY. At least that is what the website said. Sign up for the CrossFit Games Open right away- eventhough we still have some time to continue training before it begins. As we have in past years- there will be a CrossFit Malibu Team. And we wnat YOU to be a part of it.
Wednesday's WOD: classes at 7, 9, 10am and again at 4 and 5pm. Strength class at 6pm. OnRamp 7pm.
Overhead squat, sets of 5
20 minutes to work up to 5RM, alternate between lifts and shoulder mobility work
Partner Medicine Ball WOD
As many total reps in 12 minutes of:
2 minutes partner wall ball sit ups (20/14#)- feet to feet with partner, touch med ball to ground behind head, sit up, hand/toss to partner, partner does the same- then immediately;
8 minutes partner wall ball shots* (20/14#, though consider 30#!)- over 9'/8' rope
-*each time rhythm is broken OR ball touches rope= 1 burpee for each partner/each time ball is dropped 3 burpees each partner... burpees DO NOT count as actual reps!
2 minutes partner wall ball sit ups (20/14#), continue as in first 2 minute set
Post OHS heaviest 5RM and total number of reps per team to chalkboard.
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