Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday 130215 WLC Prelim WOD

There are roughly 30 people involved in the Whole Life Challenge at CrossFit Malibu- including all the coaches, some former CFMalibuites who will be participating remotely, and even some returning athletes who we have not seen in a while.  Glad to have you aboard.  For those of you not entering- don't worry about it.  Really, I hope you find no sarcasm in that- because there is none.  We have encouraged you to enter the CrossFit Open, to sign up for new activities in 2013, and of course, we expect you to show up to WODs a few times a week... that IS a lot to ask- and we know you have busy lives.  And YOU know we want what's best for you.  So we trust your decision.

There ARE a few of you out there who are riding the fence... and YOU are the target of this blog post.  NOT to peer pressure you, but to encourage you and to help answer any questions you might have or honestly respond to any anxiety or frustration you have about entering.  Talk to a coach, another trusted member who you know well OR even someone who you DON'T know to get their take on why they are participating.  Take some pressure off of yourself.  You CAN do this imperfectly and still succeed.  You can decide NOT to do this and just glean tips, tools and menu ideas from others in your classes who ARE joining in and succeed by osmosis.  Either way- you can't really make a bad choice.
Gaby walking the KB balance beam
Friday's WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and again at 3 and 5pm.
Whole Life Challenge Preliminary WOD
AMRAP for 10 minutes of:
800m run
25 KB swings (24/18kg)
50 Abmat butterfly sit ups
75 squats 
In remaining time, max rep lateral jump burpees 
Run- from front of the Hut, to second vent in front of library grass (don't cut corners into wood chips) and back to Hut
KB Swing- ROM is what your current ability level dictates- russian or american swing, make sure to note weight and ROM on your results sheet
Abmat sit ups- butterfly position, fingers touch ground behind and TOES (not ankles!) in front
Squats- hip crease below top of knee cap- NO squatting to medicine balls.  Box squat OK for newbies
Burpees- lateral jump over abmat, clap overhead, AND full hip extension

If, when "time" is called you completed the run, all swings, situps and squats, but have NOT done any burpees, your score is 150.  If you completed exactly 36 squats, your score is 114.  If you completed everything AND then go on to do 44 burpees, your score is 194.  Try and guess what you will get up to!

Go hard today- try to "win".  Giving anything less than 100% today will give you a false impression of your performance over time.  Get an accurate and true measure of your effort in the Whole Life Challenge, push it today!


  1. Very excited about the Whole Life Challenge.

    Scott B

  2. Very excited to beat Scott B at the Whole Life Challenge.

    1. Matt, I want you to know that this is a safe place for you.

