Monday, February 18, 2013

Tuesday 130219 LOTS of work!

Check out the article in the most recent Pepperdine Graphic... 

Many of you on the Whole Life Challenge have been invited to a special CrossFit Malibu/Whole Life Challenge Facebook page.  It is a closed group- so you need an invite to get in... I have invited anyone from CFM who has popped up on my "add" list.  Any CFM member is encouraged to check it out for recipes and assistance regarding the WLC.  It is NOT limited to Whole Life Challengers, but it would be best to keep it within CrossFit Malibu
Lee, Haley, JV (among others) at Saturday's 7am trail outing.
coming Saturday classes: 
7am trail session- location to be determined
830 Yoga at the Hut
10am Team WOD, also at the Hut

Tuesday's WOD: classes at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm.  Fundamentals at 8am.
A. Ring Static Holds
B. L-sit Hangs
For 20 minutes, on the 2.5 minute mark: 
Touch and Go Deadlift, 3 reps (begin at ~60% 1RM and increase from there)
Toughest unbroken deadhang pull up, 3 reps (start moderate, then increase)
Post weight of heaviest round of deadlift/pull up.
5 rounds for time of:
5 power push ups to bumper plate
10 bumper plate ground to overhead (25/15kg)
15 butterfly situps
Post time to journals/chalkboard.

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