Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday 130218 A Presidential AMRAP

First off:  Happy President's Day.  The Hut is open for regular schedule while the rest of the USA is out buying cars and furniture (apparently those sales are huge on President's Day:  are you picturing Abe on a LaZBoy or George test driving a Prius?).  And if you are wondering what else is open and closed... let me help you out:

  • Malibu City Hall- CLOSED
  • US Post Office- CLOSED
  • Santa Monica/Malibu Unified- CLOSED
  • Banks- CLOSED, except for the ones that are open
  • The bond market- CLOSED... Nils, that means we will see you and Trevor at 9am?

So since there really isn't anywhere else to be... we created an interesting/unique WOD for you today~ Here is a photo montage, minus the farmer carry.  This is the order of events and alternate between 500m row and 400mrun
Monday's WOD: classes at 7, 9, 10am and again at 4 and 5pm.  Strength class at 6pm
Tabata Static Holds: ABABAABB of
A- Plank, modify to increase difficulty
B- Bottom of squat hold
As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
500m row/400m row (alternate each round- if rowers are full, then default to 400m run)
125m farmer carry in the dirt to back of yard (20kg KB and 45# DB/16kg KB and 35# DB)
10 KB swings (20/16kg)
15 DB snatch (45/35#)
125m farmer carry return on dirt to the back door of the Hut, then at the back door:
20 KB goblet squats (20/16kg)
Post number of rounds and KB/DB choices to chalkboard/journal
***Remember UPS rule with KB and DB out in the dirt.
****Yes, UPS does deliver today!

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