Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday 090909 WOD Don't Overdose!

Four rounds for time of:

100 ft Walking lunge, carrying 30 pound dumbbells
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
30 pound Weighted pull-ups, 20 reps

Post time to comments.
for scaled "dosage" of today's prescribed workout, click here!

When Workouts of the Day (WOD) are posted... they are posted "as prescribed" and assume a very high level of fitness across the 10 fitness domains. You are expected to scale back the amount of work you do in each WOD so that it meets the recommended prescription for you to get a large amount of work done, but not do so much that you overdose!

Overdoses are messy, they are dangerous and they are avoidable. When in doubt, scale back the weight, the number of rounds, the amount of time. For more about scaling to meet your needs and abilities.... drop in at CrossFit Malibu and we will help you out.

Good Luck to CrossFit THRIVE in Hermosa Beach on their Grand Opening today! On 090909 at 9:09:09. So auspicious! And thanks to the owner MAX, for joining us yesterday.

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