Monday, September 7, 2009

Chili Cook Off News: Miss Malibu does 8 Dead Hang Pulls!

Thanks to all the CrossFit Malibu supporters who came out to do pull ups at the chili cook-off. And it was great to meet and talk to community members and Malibu visitors about CrossFit. Kids loved hanging on the rings and doing pull ups while we taunted passerbys to beat Miss Malibu's pull up effort.

A number of guys did between 25-28 in a minute and the top women's score was 19- for fifteen year old Emma from Checkered Flag Chili. Most participants opted for muscle driver rubberband assisted pull ups, giving us a chance to talk about the concept of scaling and substituting exercises on Workouts of the Day.

Quite a few members of CrossFit Malibu worked at the booth including Scott and Kendra (right) and Curt and Leanne- and their kids Matthias and Hannah. They talked with people about their personal experiences with CrossFit- and were about to relate their histories of olympic lifting, marathon running, and recovering from back problems- identifying with many interested Cook-Off attendees.

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