Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shopping and the Zone; Why Zone? Part II by Tom

A common mistake when starting Zone is to shop for meals rather than blocks. It's not very efficient to try to plan each of your 5-6 meals/snacks per day in your head while wandering the aisles. A simpler approach is to start by getting your all-important proteins stocked up (e.g., chicken/turkey/salmon, dairy, protein powder). Next, focus on "filler" items: easy/quick 1-3 block carbs and fats that can be added to any basic meat-and-side-dish meal to balance it into a proper Zone meal. My personal favorite "filler" blocks: oatmeal, black/kidney beans (low-sodium/unsweetened), kiwis, green/red bell peppers, apples, almonds, cottage cheese (low-fat Knudsen is my favorite), and non-fat yogurt. (Also, if you're going to be eating out or at work or on the road much, get some portable filler blocks: jerky, containers of applesauce and cottage cheese, almond or macadamia nuts, etc.) Finally, once you have your proteins and fillers sorted out, finish by finding your "side dish" carbs and fats. Try adding a new carb or fat from the block list every time you shop; you might be surprised what you end up liking. Next time: How to eat out without breaking Zone.

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