Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wednesday 100609 Clean, Dip, Sit

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
52kg/34kg Hang clean, 15 reps
12 Ring dips
21 Sit-ups
Post number of rounds completed to comments.

Curt working through his 8 squats before the 40m sprint.  Great job on the Litvinov Sprints yesterday everyone!  Happy to see everyone staying warmed up in between rounds- using good judgment in choosing weight and also for pushing the sprints.  These work... ask Dan John.

 And I couldn't resist showing you this 5 blocker!  Green beans, almond encrusted albacore (wild-frozen from Trader Joe's), 2/3c. hummus, avocado, a corn tortilla. 1/3 banana, not pictured.

Let's keep up the Zone talk in the gym- ask your questions, it will help you AND others!  Saturday morning before the WOD I will be available at 9:30am-- a time set aside especiallly for talking about ZONE... so come early!

Finally, thanks to Jay Zemliak for coming to the Hut today to give samples of his deep tissue massage- Neuromuscular Re-education.  I have his info.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, Zone pR0n. Now I'm hungry.

    More people should post pics. I never eat a thing on that plate. Time to break out of my rut in the grocery store and experiment.
