Manny works at Roy Brothers Drilling... located right next door to the Hut. You know the place- tractors, drilling rigs, other big pieces of earth moving equipment. Manny spends pretty much most of the day with a shovel in his hands- breaking dirt free from the huge drilling bits that create the huge holes needed to build foundations for houses and buildings. Lots of those on the beaches of Malibu. Manny drives a LONG way to get to work- some days to find that there is no work to do. So he comes over to the morning WOD. Other days he knows in advance that there is not work... but recently he has been making the drive simply to do the WOD with you! He reports feeling much stronger at work and less sore after long days of shoveling.
Friday's WOD
For time, 30-25-20-15-10 reps of:
Box Jumps 24"/20"
Toes to Bar
Post times to journals/chalkboards
Manny you ROCK!!