Congrats to our most recent OnRamp Grads! Cecily, AC, Rebecca, and Chris finished up a month long series yesterday, culminating with a retest of the WOD they did on Day 1: 200m run, 21-15-9 reps of Squats, PushUps, Ring Rows, 200m run. They improved from between 15 to 28% on this WOD and then finished up the class with more deadlift work. As they start attending group classes... welcome them, introduce yourself, and please be of assistance to them as they orient themselves.
Congrats to Cecily, AC, Rebecca and Chris |
Friday's WODs: classes at 7,9,10am and 3,5pm
Snatch one rep on the minute for 15 minutes.
Post highest and lowest load to journals and chalkboards.
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