Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monday 111219 Deadlift and Push Jerk

Holiday Season kick-off last night with Family Movie Night at the Hut... the Grinch crushed it.  Also- there was a behind-the-scenes trial of a new 12 Days of Christmas WOD that will be previewed this coming Satruday... along with a finisher... 8 Days of Hanukkah.  Get ready for a great week! Starting NOW>
This was Deb's answer to the weighted pull up conundrum!

Monday's WOD: class times at 7, 9, 10am and 5, 7pm.  Strength class at 6pm with Ondrej.
21-15-9 reps of:
100kg Deadlift
50kg Push Jerk
Deadlift is 50% of Push Jerk, jerk is taken from the floor
Post time and scaling to journals/chalkboard.